OMG! I JUST MET ELLIOTT YAMIN! Hot Live Movin' On | Elliott Yamin Concert Tour with Josh Hoge | Album Shines | Wait For You Top40

Elliott also sang at an acoustic version of Wait For You at 94.5 in Trenton. I can't wait for the concert tour!!! Get Your tickets!! Fantastic album!!! Get Elliott's CD!! And Request Wait For You on the radio! And pick up Elliott's wonderful singles Wait For You and Movin' On! Oh! Mercy! Call da Dr baby! Get me some ice!!! Scorchin Hot!!!! Thud!! Smokin baby! Sizzzlin!!! ..

Hey Bernie! How goes it?
hey bdawg!!
wait til you hear! Angel will tell you!
what bernie??? now you've got my curiosity up!!! must be good
thud! ;)
Spill TB....
No friggin' way!
Wow! Oh Nellie! THUD!!!
HE'S AMAZING VON! I'M STILL STOKED!! went to the radio station!!!!!!!
it kinda happened by're so crazy!
angel, that is amazing!!!!!! what happened...did you get hugs and kisses??? is bdawg jealous??? LOL
i was gonna wait an blog it..if u guys want da scoop i'll tell ya
oh, we want the scoop, NOW!!!!!!!!!!! lolol
i think we just lost von + ey-fan! i think they thudded an passed out on da floor! lol
where did everybody go? lol ..i think everyone fainted! lol
in da floor!!!! clean up on isle 3!!!!!
hahaha! u guys r soo funny!!! crackin me up!
you're killin us Angel, spill baby, spill!!!!!
oh i was soo excited E was comin to philly i couldn't even sleep last nite..haven't been to bed! i tried! lol
did you tell him who you were....ibims blog and everything???
u know what a nite owl i am..i'm not a mornin person at like 5:45am i'm like bdog..u serious? r we really gonna try an see E? an bdog was out! lol..couldn't get bernie up! i was deciding whether to try to go to philly..
an i listened to da radio..i wasn't sure it was ok to try or i came here an kagey asked if i was in philly area an i said she said i thought u'd be stalkin radio stations! i said ok bdog we're out of here baby! lol
when I said this morning I thought you might be out stalking E b/c he was in Philly and then didn't hear from you again I thought you may have gone to see him. I'm delighted that you were able to meet him and that it was such a great experience. Good thing Bernie was there to help you remember how it all went down. You were probably walking on cloud nine. Good for you - you deserve it!
thx sweetie! u rock!!
i'm hanging on the edge of my seat!!!
THUD! I just fell off, too close to da edge!
I'm here IB.....I want to know how to act on fool I am
an we were out of gas so to make a long story short we were REALLY late..and da traffic was hairy..we live far away an we were gettin gas at like 7:10 an he was supposed ta be on at 7:30 an it was at least an hour's drive an i was heartbroken cuz i thought oh man we're totally gonna miss him!
lol...Von..hang on!!!
he'd WAIT FOR YOU ...IB!!!
it was meant to be.......
Take notes ey-fan!
angel, you almost have the colors you first had on here way back in May 06
Boy know trivia!
xlnt! so it takes forever to get there an we're in rush hour traffic across philly from jersey an as we're stuck they say E's gonna be on sometime after 9am..and i'm like ok..i guess we got more time to make it now..
u guys sooo rock!! we couldn't tell if fans were allowed to line up to hear him play or not and i saw the station wasn't even gonna be open yet so i didn't even know what i was gonna what was i doin there! lol..i felt crazy drivin up we tuned to other station in traffic tryin to find out if E was gonna be on an when..we hadn't heard them mention him yet an i was gettin kinda nervous!
were there a lot of fans IB?
they said you guys were the best looking so far!!!
so all dis time were still on da schuykill expressway an traffic was jammed even tryin to get to da exit an i'm like boy there's a lot of folks goin to see da E man! lol
lol! we didn't make it there!
I'm about to spaz!!!
sorry guys! bdog is downloading pics! i'll post em to da i'll finish my crazy story..i still can't believe it! lol
can't wait to see pics!!!!!
so as we're sittin in traffic we suddenly hear dat E's comin on next at da other station! an i'm like omg!!! get me some ice!! an i'm like i wanna be there an we're stuck an we didn't know where we were goin! lol!
he's so amazing! so like we finally make it off da freeway an an off da exit an try ta follow directions an we can't find da place!!! omg!! i was dyin! rofl!! jus crazy! an da radio was sayin he was there!!!! i i could hear him on da radio an i was like we're right here! where is da place! lol!
an we saw da other station but we couldn't find dat one! lol
lol..where'd everybody go? lol..musta thudded on da floor! lol
we're here!!!!! hanging on every word!!!LOL
Trying to catch up.... OK, back and caught up...whew!
ok i'm still here..loadin stuff 4 da blog..
I gotta go soon :( I'll have to read the rest on da blog!!! I'll be here a few more minutes
Oh no Linda....
I know, it's killin me...want to hear firsthand!!
ok so we hear E on da radio an we get lost!! lol! an we go back n forth down da wrong road an he's on! an i'm like dyin!! lol and we circle round an bdog wants ta bag it an give up an go to the other station dat he'll be at later but i was an den i saw da station an we had driven past it like 4 times!!!! roflmao!! can u believe it!!! an dey say he's gonna sing next!!!
I would'a been spazzing all over da blood pressure would'a been ski high!
I woulda jump'd out of the car IB!! lol
haha!! u know me! an i haven't even been ta bed yet!! lol! so i'm like dyin an we screech into da lot grab a space run into da building r tryin ta find da floor an da station an we get up there an da door is locked!! an i'm like omg!! we blew it!! an i'm dyin!
Day-um TB!
an nobody's there an it's dark inside an i'm crushed..just crushed ya know?..
We're feelin' it TB...
an so we thought maybe we'd tryin goin over to da other place but we had come all dat way an we were pretty bummed an bernie an i were really kinda shy standin out in da hall.. then we heard this sound..
Not a word I would associate with Angel...
LOL!! well we felt pretty we felt stupid lol..standing in da hall wit dat station locked! rofl total murphy's we i heard dis sound faint at first..thru da walls..into da hall..
sounds like da grinch
calling you......
you know, how da grinch heard da faint sound down in whoville
TB's report makes me feel like I'm there!
haha! yeah! an then a woman appeared at da door..
Shoot...I thought she was gonna say Elliott came out!
i thought it was Cindylou who
I saw your post on etrain and ran over here to hear the story.
hi'll have to scroll back a bit to catch it all :)
You got me hooked- I'm hoping the ... means more to come!!!!
we're all thuddin hard, here!!
I think she's multi-taskin..uploadin pics, postin at etrain, etc....Angel, I gotta go soon!!! LOL, hurry up!!!
Angel's got us almost peeing our pants here!
Hi! I'm reading the story in reverse.
hahaha, it's good anyway you read it!! lol
hi gang! i almost did! lol! so..i tell her dat we're here for Elliott..that we came to support Elliott but we hadn't meant to bother anyone but we wanted to support him and cheer him she's lookin at me like she thinks i'm crazy! lol! she asks me if i'm a she says they're in da i hear E singin movin on live omg!!! an i about die!!!!
angel, movin on was fantastic this am!!! prolly the best radio performance ever
LMAO...crazy looks don't bother me anymore!
we're used to 'em huh, Von?
LOL- I felt an inner scream like one of those crazy fainting beatle fangurls!
yeh-the grin and head shake that we get!
Right on Linda and Alison!
haha, we are those screaming fans!!!
an she says we have ta stay locked out in da hall like we can't come in an she disappears an says she's gonna check on she comes back an says she can't promise anything an we're not supposed ta b there like there's no guests an we didn't know an i felt kinda bad but i was actually shy..i know unbelievable! she disappeared an we waited out in da hall an i heard E singin movin on live an E was incredible!!! an i was thudding on da floor!
Don't forget the rolling eyes...
lol, I can just see bdawg and angel in da some bad kids at school!! LOL
OMG, I can't believe how my heart is thudding just living vicariously!
Oh LORD IB, that's when the knees get weak! when you are that close
so we thought maybe we might get a glimpse of him runnin off or somethin..i was surprised there wasn't a group cheerin him singin movin on in da studio..she told us we were the only ones there an she was surprised to see i felt like i missed da whole interview an performance an THEN..
Don't know if I could'a contained myself! About to jump outta my skin now!
Angel, the DJs were jammin' with him (singing along, hooting, etc.) - it was his best station performance yet!
omg! really?! this is soo awesome!! i can't wait to hear it! we were outside in da hall!! lol!
haha-now we'll have to BEG to get them to share E with US!
yep, dj's were singing along...Angel, they said, I swear to God he's white!!! lol
haha! u guys crack me up! then we hear a guy beyond da door an we hear him say just 2? an she says yeah just he peers thru da door an i musta had these big desperate grovelling eyes an i put up 2 fingers an nodded he said we could come in an sit on da couch in da waiting lobby an he'd check if they could come see us!!! omg!!!! i about died!!! i couldn't believe it!!! an i reassured him dat we truly hadn't meant to bother anyone we just wanted to support E and cheer him on..
Was this 96.5 or Q102?
OMG Angel!
ok linda-now we're like in the Wizard of Oz-'beyond that curtain'! lol
On da couch!!!! LMAO! wonder if its red!
lol...we're gettin somewhere ey!!! ON DA COUCH!!!!!!!LOL
wired 96.5 on da couch baby!!! oh yeah!!! thud!!! swoon!!!!
drumroll please!
Feeling light-headed here...
did he have on the orioles hat??lol
sooo.....i was sitting there very nervous an shy (i know can't believe it! lol) an i couldn't even imagine what i'd say if i ever saw him an then..i heard something...
...from around da corner...
...beyond da couch...
amee I missed both interviews. I was listening to 96.5 at 9, since that's what his myspace said. But turns out he was on Q102 then. I'm listening to itslate's recordings that she uploaded.
...down da hall... around da block...
Give Me Back My Golden Arm! SUSPENSE! LOL
i hear faint voices....
"Faint" voices....
an i'm straining tryin to discern if i can recognize any of them..hmm...
I've got palpitations
an i faintly think i might have heard..nah..then..
I am here too...couldn't even vote so engrossed in Ibims story!!!
i hear something an i look over an there he was.
sandy, she's killin us!!!!
OMG, angel, THUD!!!!!!!!
We'll find out the story of meeting Elliott... After the break! You should work for American Idol.
Puddle! DETAILS.....
an i've never felt so i said in a small quiet voice..hi Elliott!
No Friggin' way!
omg...THUD!!!!!!!!!! after da break! lol
then u jumped him!! a girl can dream!
did you get a handshake, hug, kiss, pics, spill baby!!!!
OMG Angel...
and then he walks over!!! omg!!! thud!!!!! i thought i was gonna die!!!! swoon!!!
I would'a passed out....THUD! What did E say?
I wouldn't have been able to form a coherent sentence.
My refresh button sure is getting a workout!
...sooo..i'm tryin to remember it's like a dream! omg! he came over and shook our hands and we said we're huge fans of his and were so incredibly happy..that we never imagined we'd ever get to meet him..
geesh, I've got to go in about 3 minutes.........eeeeeeeekkkkkk
I tell ya, it's amazing...when you are meant to meet Elliott, it will happen! What a great story Angel!
Were his hands warm, cool, soft, firm? Inquiring minds need to know! Any electricity??
Definitely made my day!! angel, you are so lucky!! yay!
And Elliott said....
..then bdog says i started talkin to him but i musta been in a daze cuz i don't even remember what i said! omg! swoon! he musta thought i was crazy! lol! i told him movin on sounded amazing an we were so excited about da concert tour..
I honesty can't imagine (as numb and shy as I'd feel) not molestering him if he was in my grasp!
G'morning! Angel, how exciting!! Did you tell 'bout your blog??
okay, gotta go..luv you guys, THANKS ANGEL!!!!!! I'll catch the rest when I get back!! GO ELLIOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO Alison...we'd better warn E ahead of time...
Poor guy! I know I'm a stranger to him but to me, I love him! Hopefully for him we never get that close! LOL
and he looked and sounded amazing..he's got da sexiest voice! thud! and the sweetest temperment and most gracious personality! Elliott was soo awesome!!! he was gorgeous!!! even bdog said E looked hot!! thud!!!
his hands are very strong when he shakes your hand...thin fingers,he has a great handshake,ummmmm oh where was I ...yes nice handshake
yes i told him about da blog an he knew who i was!!!! omg!!! an he had beautiful curls an no hat!!! swoon!!!!
He is very gracious and polite...
Thump, thump, thump- yes- those are the kind of details we love!
like you are the ONLY one he is talking to at the time...
He knew who you were - that is sooo cool!
Well her blog is so awesome!
What's remarkable is he's got such a big heart and phenomenal voice!
amee, we have the same colors! Angel, you are a moosak celeb!!
So awesome he knows of your blog Angel!

yeah he said oh ur i believe in my soul from myspace? an i said yeah an i told him about da blog and i mentioned moosak an etrain and told him i was old school yaminions too from back in da day..
one word Angel....AMAZING! So happy for you!
did you get a pic with him??
Angel, I wondered this morning if you'd gone to see E. I'm soooo excited for you!!!
LOL, we're "old school" E fans! Got that right!
an i told him how we changed our flight on da 25th so we could see him in philly an we were gonna see him at at least 4 we bought tons a
I wanna see if this will work. This is a IBIMS Blog link that is old and still takes me to those awesome E pics!
Was Russell with him (or did you even notice)?
yeah! he said he's doin 3-4 concerts in philly area an we said we we're gonna try to make his assistant laughed at me an said she was impressed by how excited i was..dat she couldn't tell i was excited! lol! u know me! lol!
awesome Angel! Did he say he had seen your blog? He would be very amazed if he did!
oh you guys r soo awesome!! i forgot about dat blog post..luv it!! an i couldn't believe he knew who i was an gave me a big hug!! i told him i've never been a fan for anyone my whole life! that he's the first person i've ever been a fan of!!! thud!!! ;)
Angel...I bet you made him very happy too
OK, I'm getting weepy here....
Have a great day all! Gotta go do yard work- Thanks so much for sharing IBIMS!- made my day!
thx guys! u rock! i'm not sure if he's seen da blog..he's seen my myspace and he was so very sweet and gracious! an i said bernie liked baseball too an he told bdog he met bernie williams and that he was really nice! + bernie thudded!! lol
Wow! Bernie THUDDED too!
Did you kidnap him on his way to Trenton?
i luv u guys so much!! he was so amazing! i just can't believe it! an i told him i can't even believe i had the chance to meet him! an it was so special an unexpected an he was so amazing i was just blown away an was thudding on air on a cloud an it was really funny when he looked at me an did kind of a double take an asked if i was i believe in my soul! i thought omg!!! we were so breathless with excitement we didn't even make it to da other station! but we heard dat wonderful interview on da radio while we drove all the way home in da philly traffic! was wonderful! maybe i should have followed him over but we wanted to give him his peace and respect his privacy..and we didn't know if we'd be let in to the audience..maybe i wouldn't qualify if they were all good lookin babes! lol!
Just an amazing encounter Angel! I'm on Cloud 9 for you!
HOLY CRAP ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!congratulations!!!! that is so awesome! Isnt he just the cutest, sweetest ever?????
He truly does make you feel like you're the only one in the room!
rofl! yeah i can't believe i missed da interiews! lol! i wanted to cheer him! but i just can't believe we met him! an it was only us! an we almost didn't even make it! an it was probably pretty crowded across da street at da other station..but we were just so damn happy an ecstatic an incredulous with joy..u know? thud!!! swoon!!! omg!!!
Can't wait for da pics Angel!
u guys r soo da bomb! luv u guys! an E is da best! luv him! he's amazing! so wonderful an sweet!!! what a terrific guy!! and even thru the wall out in the hallway that live version of movin on he sang was just freakin incredible! i've never heard anything like it in my entire life!!!! omg! unbelievable! what a stunning voice! smokin hot!!
That "Movin' On" was da bomb this I've heard. At the other station, the DJ said he's listened to thousands of in studio acoustic songs and Elliott is by far the best he's EVER heard!
absolutely! it was unbelievable! an i was out in da hall goin omg!!!!
JOP!!!!!!!!!! Angel met Elliot this morning!!!!!!!!! Just her, Bernie and Elliott!!!!!!!!!!
shut up!!!!! reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly????
roflmao! OMG! LOL! You're gonna have to read back many pages, but it's all there! THUD!!!!
OMG! Angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's an amazing story...way better than me wading through cow poop in Louisville last summer!
That's it Jop!
lmao yvonne!!
What we won't do for E!
Oh, angel....i just read it and it's an amazing was meant for you and Bernie!!!! my heart was skipping with anticipation!!! thank you girl for being here for us!!!
man i just can't believe it! omg!! omg!! an he like did a double take!! cuz there I was all excited an his assistant was crackin up an he like did a double take like wait a minute..Ur i believe in my soul? an i was like yeah! like he knew who i was! i was soo stoked!! i couldn't believe it!!! omg! thud!! swoon!!! he was so sweet an gracious! i hope he wasn't just bein polite..bdog doesn't think he was just bein polite..he gave me three hugs, two handshakes + bdog got 2 handshakes too!! swoon! bernie thought E was very hot!!! oh yeah! dats my boy!!!
Wow, just came home for lunch, and been reading IBIMS's posts!
share da huggggz SISTA!!!!
I have tears im my eyes , I'm so happy for you !!!
Elliott is truly sincere...not a phony bone in his body.
to meet him personally is quite an event !
can u guys believe it! i mentioned moosak an etrain! oh yeah!!!
sorry all...first i'm NOT supposed to be here yet...but i was soooo busy trying to go backwards to catch ibelieve's posts...i almost missed the vote!
so what happened?
she met him ... where? how? today ... right?
they are quite moving !
oh angel....i just want to go and hug you now!!!!!!!! you made me feel like i was there with you!!!!!!!!!!
don't feel bad domi an have ta go backwards too cuz i don't even remember what i said! lol! haven't been to bed yet i was so excited E was in town i couldn't sleep last nite! thud!!!!
would someone PLEASE...copy and paste ibelieve's incredible story and send it to me...thank you *;* are just sooooo cute right now!!!!! we all feel your love!!!!!!!!
...and he knew who you were IBIMS AWESOME !!!
...Lotsa E Luv from da moosak sistas..
So happy for you TB...wonderful!
thx sweetie! u rock!!
And he knew you! How amazing is that! I think you probably made him a happy camper today too...
oh man! he sure made me a happy camper! i can't even believe it! Elliott is so awesome!! E's da man! da best! Amazing!!! am soo stoked!!!
Thank you for sharing your story...I'm psyched myself!
I truly think Elliott just remembers stuff like that. Last summer he commented on my T-shirt ("Nice shirt" he said). I bet if I saw him again with that shirt on he'd say he remembered me! He's so grounded and aware of others.
yeah. absolutely. that's what i thought too. very much so.
Angel I am so happy for you! You deserve it!!
i love it angel....i am going over & over your posts!!! i feel like i am living the experience thru u!!!! you outta anyone here deserved this!!! luv ya gurl!!
thanks so much guys! u rock! da sistas sharin da E Luv! oh yeah! da Luv board! thud!!! omg! been thuddin all over da board for 2 hrs with wild abandon! swoon! imma goner! rofl!!!
"Yes, and Elliott met IBIMS"!
oh i get it! lol! yes, bernie just said he definitely recognized who i was! so awesome! that's when he gave me a hug! swoon!!! oh man! thud!
LMAO...this is so much fun! You rock Sista!
THUD!!! lol
i am beyond happy for you ibelieve!!!! truly i am!!!! what an incredible experience!!!!...but you SOOOOOOO deserve are and have been one of the most dedicated fans for elliott...and you put sooooo much of yourself and soooo much hard work in creating your blog and your myspace pages, really couldn't happen to a nicer and more deserving person here...really...i mean we're all deserving, but...hahahahahahahaha hope that you will allow yourself a chance to rest on that cloud your on...*;*...
thx sweetie! ur the best! ;)
...I just scrolled back and finished reading Angel's story. She won't be right for weeks
Ahhhh Linda???? When has she been right, since Elliott??????
true, Pete, very true..I don't think any of us have been in right mind!
she hasn't posted any pics yet has she...I can see her now..typing up that blog as we speak!!!!!
So Bernie, I hear you were impressed! Elliott has met Bernie Williams too, eh?
taking a little break, bbl!! luv to my sistas!! hope Angel gets her pics up soon(or better yet, finished that blog, which I'm sure she's doing now, unless she fell asleep on da keyboard)
yes! And he said Bernie Williams was very nice, which was always his reputation. Anyway, Elliott looked really great.
That's cool happy for you and Angel!
Angel!!! got the blog done yet?? lol
LMAO Linda...she's still trying to figure out what hit her!
I want pics!!!! and she's still recovering...this could be a while!!
Angel, did you tell Elliott we're coming to Innsbrook?? Look out!!!
Now you girls be gentle on E....
"GENTLE" is sooooooooooo over rated!!!
Von, he may never be the same........just sayin
You all are BAAAAAAAAAAAD.... ;)
But, you're my Sistas so I love ya!
LIKE...... Baaaaad to the bone ... this is where I would like to join in
jump on in sista!!!
angel did u say we would be at richmond.
damn! i forgot to ask, beg, grovel, implore if Elliott would sing I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know..omg! if i ever leave u babayy..! mercy!
omg angel....that was the MOST IMPORTANT REQUEST!!!!!
He'll still do it for ya Angel...being that he knows you now!
All you gotta do is say "Yo Elliott, IBIMS here...please sing ILYMTYEK!
Clean up on aisle 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, my head's still spinning from Angel and Bernie's encounter with da man this morning!
i think i'd have to keep pinching myself just to make sure it really happened and that i was still conscious!!!
LOL Me too Domi..that was all so cool, but I would have a hard time believing it..
It really happened. IBIMS was so happy!
Wow! Just wow! Even that is quite an understatement. I cannot express in words the joy and elation I feel today! Thank you so much for your kind inspiration, Elliott! It was a wonderful day! I'm so excited! Life is good! oh yeah! Thud! ;) And, finally, after u check out da philly & DC interviews,

'almost forgot....ITUNES CELEBRITY PLAYLIST as of april 17th, my celebrity playlist has been posted on itunes....just go to the music page, and click on Celebrity's listed in the 2nd column down on the left-hand side!...hope you enjoy my picks!' Go Elliott! We luv u! So excited! Can't wait! Awesome playlist! Check it out!